Winter is Coming

We are well into fall, and the news outlets are calling for a harsh cold winter. The cold winter air can be very damaging to hair, rendering it dry and brittle, thus causing it to be frizzy and tangle easily. There are a few steps that can be taken to alleviate the stress of winter on the hair.

The main culprit in Winter is the lack of moisture in the air. There are many ways to combat hair that is lacking in moisture:

  • Get a deep conditioning treatment – These can be done in the salon, or in the privacy of your own home. I recommend getting a deep treatment at the salon, and investing in an at home treatment to use every few washes.
  • Use an oil. Oils can be used on wet and dry hair. Sometimes oil can weigh down fine hair, or make it greasy. To combat this apply some oil or a shine spray to a boar hair bristle brush and use on the ends when the hair is dry.
  • Spray Mask – If the hair is still feeling dry use a spray mask for even more added moisture.

In addition to keeping the hair moisturized it is important to keep the cuticle sealed and the ends from splitting.

  • Invest in a keratin treatment. Keratin treatments build strength and seal the hair cuticles. If someone is not wanting a full keratin treatment one alternative is the Brazilian professionals split end mending treatment.
  • Use a satin or sateen pillow case. Hair will slip across the slippery fabric thus keeping the hair from getting tangled and roughed up as it can with cotton, fleece and flannel. Self Magazine advises lining winter hats with silky fabric as well.
  • Self Magazine also cautions not going outside in the cold with wet hair. They explain that when items are cold they expand, and a persons hair shaft will expand as well, damaging the cuticle.
  • Keep split ends trimmed – when the ends start to split, they will continue to split up the hair shaft unless they are cut, or break off. The damage will rough up the surrounding hairs multiplying the damage and frizz.

Keep these things in mind, book some appointments and order your products to keep your hair in picture perfect shape all winter long.

4 thoughts on “Winter is Coming

  1. Adalinda Lundt

    That’s great information. Thank you. I’ll have to cook an appointment for a winter hair conditioning

    1. raedianthair Post author

      We do a deep conditioning treatment at every color appointment. It is a great way to really make the new color pop and shine. If you ever feel like your hair is getting dry, we can use a more intensive treatment!

  2. Solomon

    However! During the winter I get dermatitis, which is a skin condition that causes flaky, scaly patches on the skin and especially on the scalp. Because of this, I really cannot escape using shampoo. Ever since I started using Head and Shoulders shampoo, my hair has been more manageable and I have noticed a decrease in the itchiness that would plague me all day. I also recommend using Sulfur8 to grease your scalp. Not only does it to help with the itch, it also keeps my hair feeling moisturized until the next wash day.

    1. raedianthair Post author

      That is fantastic! I am glad you found something that will work for you! In the past I had heard that using head and shoulders could cause dependency on the shampoo, but everyone’s body is different!

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