COVID19 Sanitation Procedures

Licensed cosmetologists have certain safety and sanitation standards that by law we must adhere to all year round. The list of minimum sanitation requirements is a mile long. Daily procedures that reduce the spread of disease include; washing or sanitizing hands in between each guest, using a separate cape on each guest, and cleaning tools and implements between each guest. Essentially, if it touched someone else, it should not be touching you.

In order to keep everyone safe during the Caronavirus outbreak we have added to our normal routine by cleaning frequently touched surfaces, limiting touch points, and wearing masks. Below you will see a breakdown of the safety procedures as they relate to a changed guest experience.

Many of you are aware that I have a lung condition. I have been blessed to continue to have a good immune system. This being said, getting sick can be the difference between life and death for someone battling a chronic illness. The common cold or flu may make a typically healthy person sick for a week. However, a cold or flu can put a chronically ill person into the hospital – or worse.

When someone is sick and has to cancel their appointment, it is always appreciated. Its always sad when an appointment has to be postponed. The most important thing however, is the recovery of the guest and the containment of the sickness. Since the outbreak of Caronavirus, we have had a few guests cancel their appointment. We commend these acts of selflessness, and know that together we can help keep these viruses contained.